"At His Feet" 03 by Jenny Crandall


What you are about to read is not entirely mine.  All of what follows is based on the devotional readings I have come to cherish from a book called, “At His Feet” by Chris Tiegreen.  He has written several other books, and I encourage you to check them out.

Today’s devotional is the third of a 5-day miniseries Tiegreen titled, “Fulfilling…”. The whole miniseries is based on John 17, Jesus’ high priestly prayer.  I hope you are as encouraged as I have been by these 5 days, and I hope you take the time to dig deeper.
Day 3 - Fulfilling His FellowshipJohn 17:6-12
Days 1 and 2, Fulfilling His Mission, and Fulfilling His Prayers, respectively, emphasized the model Jesus gives us to stay on mission, and stay in constant communication with God, through prayer.
Tiegreen stays with Day 2’s verses (6-12) of John 17 for this third entry.  These verses are rich with evidence of the care and concern Jesus displays with the Father for His disciples.  Verses 6-8 confirm the transformation the 11 experienced as they heard the words from Jesus that were given Him by God, Himself.  They accepted and obeyed God’s word, they “knew with certainty" that Jesus was sent from God.  What follows is no casual request on Jesus’ part.  The unity of the disciples is critical as Jesus’ earthly time draws to a close, and it is the name of God that seals that unity (v. 11). And Jesus desires that unity for us today.  When we end our prayers with, “…in Jesus’ name,” are we aware just how powerful a force that is?  Where does that power come from?  It is a reflection of the same power that unites the Godhead (v. 11 “…so that they may be one as we are one.”).  Here are my thoughts from my journal as I reflected on this passage:  In today’s entry I have come, yet again, to the reality (yet, still a mystery) of the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Of all things that still humble me and present the awe of a loving, relational God, it is the Spirit.  Time and again, I try to comprehend that the same Spirit that bonds me to God and to others is what bonds the Trinity!  The Spirit hasn’t changed in all of eternity, but the Spirit lives in me.  
There is a message here as well, for the church.  Unity that is threatened within a church or the Church universal, is but illusory.  It is the work of the enemy of God, and it is his top priority.  “That we allow him to do so indicates our lack of understanding of John 17.  We permit the appearance of divisions where we cannot in fact be divided.  The body of Christ is an organic whole.  It cannot truly be divided,” because of the Spirit.  Today, pray that all of your relationships, especially those bound to you by God’s Spirit, are united.  Pray that your choices within those relationships will promote unity.  At His Feet by Chris Tiegreen, August 30, p. 242.

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