
Thanksgiving Devotional 2024

I have taken a break from the “Fulfilling” series to focus on another devotional by Chris Tiegreen centering around Thanksgiving.  In his entry titled, “Eternal Food,” Tiegreen digs deep into John 6:26-27.  The context is the conversation Jesus is having with the crowd who went looking for Him after His departure from them.  My Bible (NIV) titles this section, “Jesus the Bread of Life,” and for good reason.  In His short monologue in verses 26 & 27, Jesus ties in the people’s memory of the recent miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 to explain the difference between physical food that temporarily satisfies and eternal food that eternally satisfies. (“Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you.” v. 27).  Obviously, Jesus is not suggesting that people do not work so that they can eat.  He knows by experience that physical food keeps people alive. No, the point He is making is that as the people had their fill of food, their thoughts should also focus on the “greater blessing” of being satisfied with the food Jesus provides that lasts forever.  There were many in the crowd who followed Jesus, just as “looky-loos”- those whose interest in Him and His miracles ended with only curiosity.  He took the time to connect their experiential interest (being fed) to reveal their need of salvation through Himself, the Eternal Bread of Life.  No wonder people have called our Lord a “master teacher.”  One of the basic principles of teaching effectively, is utilizing the pupil’s frame of reference/life experience to make a connection to a new concept.  This is an example of how Jesus did that exceptionally well.  And Jesus’ motivation behind it all was (and is) His desperate desire that men follow Him.  In another attempt to help the people see that He was the Messiah among them, He appeals to their knowledge of God the Father, Who has put His “seal of approval” on Jesus. (v.27).
May we, like Jesus, pray that “everyone - believer and unbeliever will gaze at the gift of salvation and say, ‘That’s what my heart really desired all along.’”  So, how do we cultivate this perspective in our lives?  Thankfulness.  It’s one thing to go around our Thanksgiving tables, once a year, and have each person recite what they are thankful for, but it is quite another thing to daily “really see the difference” between temporary gratitude for things that don’t last, and eternal gratitude for what does last…the gift of salvation in Jesus Christ.  Meditate on that with your family this Thanksgiving.

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