"At His Feet" 05 By Jenny Crandall


What you are about to read is not entirely mine.  All of what follows is based on the devotional readings I have come to cherish from a book called, “At His Feet” by Chris Tiegreen.  He has written several other books, and I encourage you to check them out.

Today’s devotional is the fifth of a 5-day miniseries Tiegreen titled, “Fulfilling…”. The whole miniseries is based on John 17, Jesus’ high priestly prayer.  I hope you are as encouraged as I have been by these 5 days, and I hope you take the time to dig deeper.
Day 5 - Fulfilling His GloryJohn 17:20-25
What an appropriate season to reflect on the glory of Jesus!  “Our great honor lies in being just what Jesus was and is.  What greater glory could come to any man?” -A.W. Tozer
What was Jesus? A tiny human, born from a human.  A human boy and man, engaging in being fully human.  Yet, the conception and birth of Jesus was a “divine spectacle” for all mankind to know and for believers to “participate in its heavenly celebration.”  Jesus’ growth in stature and maturity was also a spectacle to behold for those privileged to witness it. And whether His contemporaries realized it or not, they were seeing His glory and graciously sharing in it.  Reading the high priestly prayer through the lens of Christmas invites the life, earthly ministry, death, resurrection and ascension of Christ right into the manger.  It all goes together. We don’t have Christmas without Easter and we don’t have Easter without Christmas. Do you suppose Jesus reflected on His birth, and the glory it gave to God, as He was praying this prayer?  I think it’s safe to speculate that this earnest prayer for His disciples and the wider world must have included snapshots in His mind of the whole of His life, including all of the events and relationships that built it.  Now He is that Son of Man, ready to take on death, the requirement for mankind to share in His glory - that glory "that the Father gave Him.”  “Unworthy as we are…we are called by His name and filled with His Spirit…as a further display of Who He is for the sake of all creation to see.”
“What a privilege!” Thank God for that privilege today.

At His Feet by Chris Tiegreen, September 1, p. 244.

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